Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What I actually learned from college

Well I'm no pro at going to college, but by being here for a few weeks I am slowly getting the hang of it.

Things I learned:

Number 1: Don't jump on the bandwagon.
This tip is all about the situation at hand. Day one I was sitting in a fireside and some of the people around me were laughing and taking away from the spirit. I wanted to laugh and joke with them because I wished to have friends. What I realized is that those people were being disrespectful and taking away from the spirit, and after all they weren't the types of people I wanted to be friends with anyways.

Number 2: Don't dread seeing people you know.
When I graduated high school I thought to myself "sweet now I never have to see any of these people again" Man was I wrong. I am at BYU Idaho in a different state and I've seen so many people from my hometown. I LOVE IT. Every time I see someone I know it makes me so happy. The best thing about it is here everyone is trying to meet new people. It's nice to be around people you don't have to explain yourself to.

Number 3: Date around
Man is it so easy to find a guy you really like and want to date. But let me draw some things out for you. Here is the patterns that arise at BYUI as a freshmen. The guys get off mish thinking "man with my mish completed I gotta find that special someone", the girls on the other hand straight outta high school thinking "dang I heard the dating life here awesome, oh I can't wait, I know my eternal companion is here, he's gotta be".  The guys find one girl and dang he wants to date her, some are sly about dating, you know not bringing up the whole marriage topic some are just sweet spirits......... But if the guy likes you he will low key date you, but with no title included. Because of the whole no title thing the girl will freak out a bit, but don't worry she'll get an answer soon enough. This will start to make you think "man maybe I am ready for marriage, this guy is so amazing, life is perfect". But dang right as you start thinking things are perfect is when the guy will wanna DTR aka define the relationship: the friend-zone edition... But during the DTR the guy will still mention he likes you and he also thinks it's best if you both date around. Now there don't fret, wait do fret because this makes NO SENSE. So what we have drawn from the DTR is that the guy is scared of commitment. I'm not sure but maybe there is something wrong with the girl. Maybe last night when she decided to eat one more oreo the guy decided he deserved someone better. But what if you were meant to be, what if you were soulmates?  I guess the little freshie will have to just wait and see. You're probably not going to get married during you're first semester so take a chill pill, so in conclusion even though its impossible, try your hardest not to stress out in the dating world.


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