Saturday, February 13, 2016

if you knew me...

I wish I could take all my memories and make them into a movie. How would that be? Introducing the 309,567+ hour movie ft. the one and only Paislee Jane herself. Oh and of course there will be bloopers, bloopers are a must have, especially when I do around 456790 embarrassing things on a daily. You would get me, know why I am the way I am. Finally somebody understands. It would probably do a bad job in the box office, but that isn't the purpose. The movie would be for me, my friends, my family, and for the little girl who looks up to me in my neighborhood.
Everyone, every person on this planet has memories racking around inside all the time, like buddy the elf going through a revolving door. Around and Around and Around again. There they are.  Every time you look in that dusty mirror on your wall you see the scar on your forehead from when your brother hit you with a baseball. But you aren't wounded anymore. In fact you're stronger. And as you think about it longer you reminisce the memory of the adventures you've experienced. You experienced. That's the you you. The one reading this blog post. The one that talks inside your head every second of the day. You- have memories that nobody else has ever witnessed. What is your movie? I know mine I have my script already written in 5 year old journal that sits on my bedside table. There is my life all tied up with a bow. All that's left is a time machine and a production company, then the movie will be complete.

I made a movie about my life, also spoiler alert; it ends with me finally winning the challenging game of life, but wait I actually haven't written that chapter yet.

Sincerely, Paislee Jane


  1. "but you aren't wounded anymore. In fact, you're stronger." I love this line so much! Life writes scars on every heart, and love heals them.

  2. I love this whole thing. I would definitely watch that movie :) also ditto on the bloopers.

  3. Love this idea! If my life were a movie. Great job!
