When I got that text one Sunday afternoon, I couldn't believe that it was true. It couldn't have been, I knew you, after all we grew up together.
I remember our horse back ride with your sweet mom. You got bucked off, saying you were a pro.
Don't you remember?
We went bowling, ice skating, watching endless movies during the summer, you would always kick the back of my chair. I acted like I was annoyed but I wasn't. I always brought treats to church because of you, smiles, laughs, happiness. I think you might have forgot.
The transition from 9th to 10th grade not only changed the rubber soles we wore on our feet but it changed the people we opened our hearts up with.
I regret my choice to change friend groups, I regret not being by your side. You got lost and I was ignorant about it. Maybe it would have happened anyways but I sure would have gone back to the first time our friend group hung out and didn't invite you.
I'm sorry.
Your birthday is in three days, and I wish you could be here for it.
I'm missin you, and I know others are too.
Sincerely, Paislee Jane