My dad had been prepping me for this question weeks prior, before he tucked me into bed one night he decided that it was the right time to tell me.
Fast forward and I'm sitting in Miss Crumrines 2nd grade class. The room smelled like little kids and elmers glue. She only had to ask the class one question, and Boom my hand shot straight up because I knew the answer, I actually knew. Being the teachers pet like I was, I probably would have raised my hand anyways, but this time was special.
I began to explain to the class that the reason we celebrate this holiday is because... well when the Titanic was traveling to mexico they had to carry loads of mayonnaise with them on the ship. They carried the mayo because the people of Mexico couldn't make chicken salad sandwiches, so they were deprived. Suddenly in the middle of the night the Titanic hit an ice burg and all of the mayonnaise sunk. That is why we celebrate the sink of the mayo, or since it mostly affected the people of Mexico you can say it in a Mexican accent which would be pronounced cinco de mayo.
As I was telling my story my teacher went from pleased to annoyed, she gave me the same look she would give me when I was disrupting class. I questioned while telling my true story why she gave me that look, but quickly brushed it off.
When I finished my story I remember a kid with glasses laughing, I knew I was a funny kid, cracking jokes all day but I didn't know I was that funny, after all history isn't supposed to be funny. Miss Crumrine told me that my story wasn't true. How did she know, she was still young and my dad must have lived through it. I told her that my dad told me that story and how he isn't the type of guy to lie to his children. When I said that the bell rang and we were off to our yellow dinosaur bus.
It was dinner time in the Henry house, and the topic of the conversation was cinco de mayo. I explained how my teacher didn't believe the reason to why we celebrate it, and my parents laughed. My dad later explained that he was kidding. He was not a man that jokes around often so it caught me off guard. At that moment I didn't want to go back to school. I knew exactly why the kid with glasses was laughing, and now my dad was a liar.
When I went to bed that night I hoped everyone would forget the naive girl who said what she believed was true. but they didn't, and the kid with glasses was sure to remind me of it 8 years later.
Now its just a big joke, alongside all my other mishaps.
I'm not who I once was, but I am a spitting image of who I once was.
Sincerely Paislee Jane
xoxo EH
ps. do people even read blogs anymore????