Thursday, February 4, 2016

I. like. you.

Wake up you know you like him

As she looks up she sees his sweet soft eyes looking down at her. He whispers in a low husky voice, and it is if just by hearing his voice he swept a chill through her entire body. He is dreamy. With his arm on the armrest their shoulders brush. He reaches to pull her hand into his. Slowly their fingers touch. She has butterflies through her stomach, he does too. They share the same loving glance. He pulls her in, and softly kis-.......

WAKE UP school starts in 20 minutes you foolish girl, ugh and Nelson actually marks tardy's.

You daydreamer you, that's just a wild dream that would never exist, it couldn't, like you've been told on numerous occasions; your too shy, too loud, too awkward. Now STOP, literally stop thinking about him, don't you even think about passing him in the hallway when he lightly touches your arm and you exchange your hellos. He didn't feel it, His heart didn't jump. And when you were blushing like crazy his heart was only on autopilot. Face the fact: he could never like you, and move on.

Oh but isn't moving on so hard? 

So, there the little wonder struck girl goes again playing the challenging game of life.

Sincerely, Paislee Jane


  1. I love the music you have here, so cute and delightful!

    1. Thanks, It's kind of weird but i feel like this song tells a story in a way.

  2. dang. I felt like that was written for me *sheds a tear*
    that was super good. made me feel

  3. I love the twist in the story and I really really like your header

  4. Basically, we are the same person. This was wonderful.

  5. The pictures. Adorable. And that line, "his heart was only on autopilot" yes. So good.

  6. This was sooo gooood! Your blog is very impressive! I like it a lot!

  7. Okay, you can sleep in for 10 more minutes. I won't mark you tardy tomorrow.
