Sunday, May 8, 2016

I lost my ticket in the wind

I would like to describe my mind to a loud baby.

voices, voices, voices

choices, decisions to make and time is running on

Image result for cool tumblr girl
He called me beautiful
She told me I will never be able to deal with my problems
He said I could do it, I could be who I want
She gave me hope that I can be good if I make it happen
He took too much and gave too little
You're so happy, I love you - I hate you, You're no good - you're exactly what we are looking for

people say that you remember less than half of all happens in a day, but I can't forget what they tell me

There is a constant stream of thoughts in my head, and sometimes all I want to do is yell them out

People can like you, and sometimes people don't know you.

My mind is always overflowing, but I sit and stare at white walls like I have nothing better to do with my time.

So I guess my mind is like a loud baby, sometimes I am okay with what goes on, I love when my mind tells me it's gonna be a good day. But occasionally my mind screams so loud my head hurts and the only thing I can do is sit and stare at white walls, waiting for hope.

Sincerely, Paislee Jane

He placed his hand on her shoulder and he said, don't worry  good times are up ahead

 and the tears will dry up over time...

1 comment:

  1. Emily! Thanks to your mom I found your blog!!! You are so cute and so talented. You have my favorite voice I've ever heard. I should send you a picture of Jane and Pais. We feel so flattered you named your blog with them in mind. I'm having fun following you and all your adventures. Keep them coming! Tiffany Packer
